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We wanted to communicate with the fans of our titles
Hi, this is BUSSAN, VR Communicator at MyDearest. In our last post, I wrote about wanting to "Utilize Social VR... since we're a VR game studio". This post is a report of doing just that, communicating with the fans of our title in VRChat! There was an event in VRChat ongoing called "Virtual Market 2022 Winter", so we decided to go sightseeing there.
What is Virtual Market (a.k.a. Vket)?
Virtual Market is "the largest market festival virtual reality has to offer, where users can buy and sell 3D items/avatars, as well as real-world products like food, clothing, and PCs" (cited from Official Website). It is often called "Vket" for short. It's been run by HIKKY Co. since 2018, and this is the 8th Virtual Market to take place. I (BUSSAN) first knew about the event in 2020 with Virtual Market 5. Vket is an exhibition where many companies exhibit their booth, but it feels more like a theme park. There are a lot of fun things users can interact with. We took a look around with the Agit/Haven members.
What is Chronos Agit/Haven?
Chronos Agit/Haven are Discord communities where MyDearest shares behind-the-scenes of the Chronos Universe titles, and fans can enjoy exclusive content. Chronos Agit is the Japanese community, and Chronos Haven is the English community. The fans in the communities are called "Co-Creators", and sometimes their ideas are incorporated into the final game. MyDearest values the fan communities as much as the game development itself. We planned the Vket tour to better communicate with the community members outside of Discord.
It used to be difficult meeting fans outside of Discord
To meet the members of Chronos Agit/Haven, we used to have to host offline events, or exhibit a booth at offline conventions. These all require human resource, traveling expenses, and exhibit fees, which can add up to be quite an amount. The cost of traveling goes for the fans attending too, and the reality is that we haven't been able to meet with fans as often as we wanted to. But we realized that we can utilize social VR such as VRChat to get rid of those costs, and meet with the Agit/Haven members directly online.
Let's go to Virtual Market!
So we met up with the members of Chronos Agit/Haven in Virtual Market! This is the photo we took with the Agit members. More than 20 members joined the meet-up. Some members even made custom avatars of the Chronos Universe characters! From there, we divided into 3 groups to visit one of the Vket worlds, "Parareal Sapporo".
We had some local seafood at the booth by Shizuoka prefecture Yaizu city. The modeling of the seafood was amazing! We all agreed that seeing food in VR makes you more hungry than seeing 2D images.
This is us dancing Mayim Mayim at the Sorge booth, whose concept is "Camping × Metaverse". When this booth gimmick was activated, we were able to see our own avatars dancing from the outside, which was a unique experience.
We took a photo together as snow statues! We tried to recreate the scene in Dyschronia where Maia points to the sky in the opening movie.
What everyone thought about the tour
Here's some tweets on what the members who joined the tour thought about it. (The tweets here are all Japanese, sorry!)
みんなで #Vket2022Winter へ行こう!
-- みかんレイン@xRAMStaff 2023年1月のイベント登壇者募集中! (@MikanRein) December 16, 2022
With #クロノスアジト に参加させてもらいました!!
④BUSSANチームの集合写真 pic.twitter.com/cgFkPOsgSl
-- くりえいたー系V桜咲@KATVRアンバ!Vketアンバ!VIVEアンバ!VR文化アンバ! (@oishicookieman) December 16, 2022
終わった後にファンワールドも見てもらい楽しかったです#Vket #Vket2022Winter #クロノスアジト pic.twitter.com/t5VVutnR1g
-- cluel@人外型スライム系実況(毎週日曜24時に投稿) (@cluelniconico) December 16, 2022
やはり集団でわいわいするのは楽しいですね。道中いろんな話ができたり楽しかった(語彙力)。#Vket #Vket2022Winter #クロノスアジト pic.twitter.com/GhSzenFMSB
#クロノスアジト の皆様とVketで遊んできました!初Vket予習無しVket!ワールドの造りには勿論、集合場所から力の入りようが凄まじいファンモデルにビビり散らしてました。愛が凄い。 pic.twitter.com/tZxd7AnPij
-- 白藍みそら@拡張夢のおさかな。 (@shiraai_c) December 16, 2022
#クロノスアジト の皆様とVketで遊んできました!初Vket予習無しVket!ワールドの造りには勿論、集合場所から力の入りようが凄まじいファンモデルにビビり散らしてました。愛が凄い。 pic.twitter.com/tZxd7AnPij
-- 白藍みそら@拡張夢のおさかな。 (@shiraai_c) December 16, 2022
If you're interested in Chronos Haven, join the server to see what it's like from this link!
There is a lot of general VR game talk, so people who are not a big fan of the Chronos Universe titles are welcome too.
As VR Communicator, we'll be doing more meet-ups and events in social VR. We'll see you in VR!